Thursday, June 24, 2010
Isn't it suppose to be the best month for me? Why do I receive the letter now? I do not want to meet you. At least, not now.. Don't enter my life and ruin it when I am happy now.

I just informed myself that when I am sad, I have to remember that I was once happy and right now, when I am happy, I have to remember of the times where I suffer so that I will appreciate this happiness but then the letter came along and ruined it.

I hate you but I do not have the strength to hate you. I want to revenge but I got no more strength to do that. I want you to feel how I felt but even then, I pity you. Thinking if you can cope with things. Thinking of you having to spent inside there. It hurts but have you ever appreciate what I am feeling now? Knowing you, you just don't...
posted by Titiks @ 12:37 AM |
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My feelings
Dear Sayang,

Please tell me what is this that I am feeling? I am too happy that at times, I almost never realise who I am. I do not have the right to question you. I do not have the right to ask anything from you but please let me have the right to have feelings for you even when we know that it is not the right time to have it.

My dear... my dear... could we still light up the sparks that had fade away with times? We had isn't it? The passion and love that we were feeling was more than last time and it grew stronger each time we meet. I hope that one day, our true feelings will be revealed and I hope that you are feeling the same way that I do...

God, please let me have this happiness if he is really the one for me... Amin.
posted by Titiks @ 11:27 PM |
Monday, June 21, 2010
Our relationship
Sayang, what is our relationship? We are too close to be just friends but it is not the time yet to have an official relationship. My dear, I dunno. Our passion and love towards each other grew stronger everytime we meet. I really hope that we can be together forever but it could be too much to ask for at this moment. Therefore, I won't ask anything from you. I wouldn't say the three words until everything is clear between us. I really hope that our relationship will be bless by Allah and that we do have a future together with our kids. Isn't that is why Allah let us meet again? Sometimes I wonder... why we are not together in the early stage? Why now? But I wouldn't want to think that much. I believe Allah has his own way in showing the best for both of us. Maybe we would appreciate each other more now than before. After what we had gone through, we should be happy my dear. We have the right to be happy, isn't it?

Ya Allah, please show me the right way to love and to be love.... Amin.
posted by Titiks @ 9:31 PM |
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Sayang, I tried to deny everything but the feeling is too strong. I tried to remind myself of everything but it takes two hands to clap and we are willing to clap together.

Sayang, sometimes I wonder if we are actually fated to be together. It had been years but we are back together. I am done asking you not to leave me. So, I wun ask again cos you will surely leave me one day.

Sayang, do u remember him? My darling. I hope you won't ask me about him. He comes and goes as he please. I dun mean a thing to him. Therefore, I dun care anymore cos sayang, he is not worth my time....
posted by Titiks @ 1:52 AM |
About Me

Titiks, born on 1st July, gainfully employed in an architech firm. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad but hey, I'm only human!
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