Saturday, November 10, 2007
Qurratu'aini Lee

Qurratu'aini Lee was born on the 2nd of October 2007. It was not my EDD yet but my gynae advised for me to give birth to her earlier due to some circumstances. I felt the pain after lunch time at the delivery suite and delivered her when people are breaking their fast. She never did cry and that worries me at first as I dun even noe if she is really out or not. (Haha!!!) However, she let out a quick cry in the incubator. I did not get to see her right after delivery as she was quickly sent to the Special Care Nursery. I only get to see her in the afternoon the next day. She look exactly like me when I'm a baby. My hubby said thanks to me right after I delivered her and i appreciate that a lot. Thank you hubby!

I chosen the name Qurratu'aini as it meant 'penyejuk hati' and I hope that everytime we came back from anywhere feeling tired and restless or when we are having that mood swing; we hope that we will cool down after looking at her. Nwae, she is just a baby.

Now that she is one month old, she is very clever. She love it when we put her on a standing position. She loves to hold her bottle. She makes sounds and love to smile and laugh. And she can even recognize us!!! She is so lovable that I can't get away from home for long if I never bring her out.

Sigh... my daughter.... loves her so much ( and yes! I love my hubby too of course...)
posted by Titiks @ 10:24 PM |
About Me

Titiks, born on 1st July, gainfully employed in an architech firm. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad but hey, I'm only human!
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