Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Need to order stationeries today so I called my previous suppliers. I am glad they still remembers me! Have quite a long talk with each and everyone of them. I think I am too tired of talking that I dun feel like talking to anybody rite now.

What makes this girl cry? I wonder. She cried in the bus almost everyday. Does she have a problem? Or is she too stress? I wonder. She did not realise the tears that is flowing from eyes down to her cheek. She cried quietly. Tried many times to wipe it off but it keep on flowing. I wanted to help her but I do not know what to do. I look to the reflection and realise the girl is me...

Haruskah aku bendung perasaan ini hingga ia tidak dapat dibendung lagi? Atau haruskah aku luahkan isi hati agar tercetus kemarahan insani? Ingin sungguh ku menatap bahagia tapi kebahagiaan itu jauh diatas langit. Ingin sungguh aku bergembira tapi kesedihan menghampiri diri. Mereka melihat aku ketawa. Mereka lihat aku gembira. Tiada mereka sedari hati yg hancur tidak terkira. Jika hati ini mempunyai airmata... sudah tentu basah seluruh badanku. Aku hanya manusia biasa. Jangan kau fikir aku tidak mempunya hati dan perasaan. Aku telah dikecewa tanpa orang tahu apa puncanya perpisahan. Kesalahanku dicari. Tingkah laku ku dikeji dan dicaci. Itulah kehidupanku duniawi...
posted by Titiks @ 9:33 PM |
About Me

Titiks, born on 1st July, gainfully employed in an architech firm. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad but hey, I'm only human!
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